Tuesday 20 March 2012

Where do ideas come from?

As a creative, my mind is always thinking. Thinking of what the next big idea is or even the most simplest thoughts, what's for dinner, and what I should do with the kids today? Yahdah, yahdah, yahdah. I don't know about you, I can only say for myself, but I am a busy lady. Every minute is consumed with something so the only real time that I get to myself is, well... the washroom. No one can bother me there. The door is shut, locked and I'm left alone to my own thoughts. No one to interrupt my thought process. So, for me I do my best thinking in the ladies room. And because of this, this lead me to another thought. Why not be literal about it.

I pulled out the iPad and did a search for light bulb decals. Came across these really cool incandescent bulb decals from Blik. Feel in love right away. Placed my order and within a couple of days my decals arrived. Put them up and here we go. For every guest that uses my restroom will now be forced to come up with some sort of an idea.

It may not be the most ideal place to put decals but why not? Why not have fun. It's a great conversation starter.

Where do you do your best thinking? And are you willing to share that space with everyone?

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