Tuesday 20 March 2012

What's red and has wings?

While I realize this post comes a little late, I still feel the need to share. This past Halloween my oldest son told me that he wanted to be a RED AIRPLANE. Ok. No problem. Well... except there was a problem, I couldn't find a red airplane costume anywhere. However, I did find images of red airplane costumes on google. One of which was made by Pottery Barn, USA. So I tried to track it down. Found a few on eBay. Wicked right? No. Try they were sizes 7-8 yrs of age and it was last years stock. I found no luck and Halloween was fast approaching.

Because I am always thinking something, I decided to take on a big project; make my son's Halloween costume. How hard could it be? Right? Well, considering I've never made a costume, yet alone any piece of garment before I figured meh what do I have to loose? Aside from my son having no Halloween costume at all. :-/

I enlisted my mother, who is a sewing genius, and we headed off to the fabric store.

We decided on felt and fleece. Figured it would keep him warm if we had a cold Halloween night. It had to be RED so most of our fabric was RED. But we added a few other fun colours for the small details. We measured him up and attempted to make the pattern. Which I might add was a nightmare. Buy a pattern and make something from it is easy, for the most part. Making a pattern and sewing it and hoping it will fit, is another thing. At last we figured it out. It took us a while and a little help but we managed.

In the end, not bad for a couple of rookies. It was hard work and I am truly thankful I have a Mother who is a genius when it comes to sewing. Logan loved it and wore it to daycare and all of Hallows eve.

He had an amazing Halloween, what more can a mother ask for. :-) Except maybe for a decent picture of the little guy.

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