Tuesday 20 March 2012

Where do ideas come from?

As a creative, my mind is always thinking. Thinking of what the next big idea is or even the most simplest thoughts, what's for dinner, and what I should do with the kids today? Yahdah, yahdah, yahdah. I don't know about you, I can only say for myself, but I am a busy lady. Every minute is consumed with something so the only real time that I get to myself is, well... the washroom. No one can bother me there. The door is shut, locked and I'm left alone to my own thoughts. No one to interrupt my thought process. So, for me I do my best thinking in the ladies room. And because of this, this lead me to another thought. Why not be literal about it.

I pulled out the iPad and did a search for light bulb decals. Came across these really cool incandescent bulb decals from Blik. Feel in love right away. Placed my order and within a couple of days my decals arrived. Put them up and here we go. For every guest that uses my restroom will now be forced to come up with some sort of an idea.

It may not be the most ideal place to put decals but why not? Why not have fun. It's a great conversation starter.

Where do you do your best thinking? And are you willing to share that space with everyone?

What's red and has wings?

While I realize this post comes a little late, I still feel the need to share. This past Halloween my oldest son told me that he wanted to be a RED AIRPLANE. Ok. No problem. Well... except there was a problem, I couldn't find a red airplane costume anywhere. However, I did find images of red airplane costumes on google. One of which was made by Pottery Barn, USA. So I tried to track it down. Found a few on eBay. Wicked right? No. Try they were sizes 7-8 yrs of age and it was last years stock. I found no luck and Halloween was fast approaching.

Because I am always thinking something, I decided to take on a big project; make my son's Halloween costume. How hard could it be? Right? Well, considering I've never made a costume, yet alone any piece of garment before I figured meh what do I have to loose? Aside from my son having no Halloween costume at all. :-/

I enlisted my mother, who is a sewing genius, and we headed off to the fabric store.

We decided on felt and fleece. Figured it would keep him warm if we had a cold Halloween night. It had to be RED so most of our fabric was RED. But we added a few other fun colours for the small details. We measured him up and attempted to make the pattern. Which I might add was a nightmare. Buy a pattern and make something from it is easy, for the most part. Making a pattern and sewing it and hoping it will fit, is another thing. At last we figured it out. It took us a while and a little help but we managed.

In the end, not bad for a couple of rookies. It was hard work and I am truly thankful I have a Mother who is a genius when it comes to sewing. Logan loved it and wore it to daycare and all of Hallows eve.

He had an amazing Halloween, what more can a mother ask for. :-) Except maybe for a decent picture of the little guy.