Thursday 2 February 2012

Mind drifting

Do you ever find yourself zoning out into your own thoughts? Especially, when you're in a conversation with someone? Well, I found myself in that zone today. To be honest I can't even remember what I was thinking about, I just remember my mind wondering from one thought to the next. Did the person across from me realize that I was nodding my head and saying uh huh and oh reallys, even though I had only heard a word or two? K, maybe it was a few more words then that. Half way through the conversation I found myself realizing that I wasn't listening and I should be, because I actually did care what this person was saying. Is this "mind-drifting" another way of multi-tasking? Mind-tasking? How is it that our minds can focus on more than one thing at a time? The human body never fails to amuse me. I'm always learning something new about us human beings. This "mind-drifting" really has me thinking. Lots of unanswered questions. I think I might do some more research on this matter just to find out if this is a common thing that occurs to people and if so, why. Does this sort of "mind-drifting" happens to you? Do share.

1 comment:

  1. I just don't care what they say! Think about it. You pay attention at work right? That's because you care. Most people talk about there lives, and that's not interesting to us, unless it involves us to a high level. I say fuck them. Let them blah blah all they want!
