Tuesday 7 February 2012

Take control

Why is it so hard to control every aspect of our lives? Our kids, our house hold, work, weight, the list goes on and on. And should we treat life like a game of strategy? Make one move that effects, potentially, it all.

I often think that.

And sometimes I think it's all about balance and positive energy. If we project positive energy towards something that we would like to conquer or achieve the chances are we will be able to reach that goal.

I know for me trying to control my children is a huge deal and is something that I work on, very hard, everyday. It is not easy and it is probably that hardest task that has ever been given to me. We think children are complicated but really, they're simple. If we could only learn from them I think we as adults would be less stressed out and more carefree. As for me, I have to realize that it's not about controlling my children; I need to teach them.

When it comes to your life you are able to control it. You are able to create your own destiny. Life will fall into its own and everything will find its place. Remember that when you find yourself in an unlikely situation. Ask yourself how you got there and what you can do to make it a better place.

One of the best pieces of advice I got from an unlikely source was "Go with the universe and not against it." This simple quote comes in handy when I find myself in situations that I can't control. In return it makes the situation less stressful and me in a better frame of mind. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow.

Take control of your life. Who knows where it just might take you.

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