Tuesday 15 January 2013

We are living in our most glorious, inglorious times.

It is the most glorious because we get to be apart of our children's best times. We get to see them laugh, smile, and grow into the men they will become. It is such an honour and privilege to be apart of that. 

The inglorious times because our days are like groundhog days; in repetition. Only a parent can understand the true meaning of that. Sadly, friends and family who don't have children, don't. That's the other half of the inglorious times we live in right now. It's tough to watch the lives of others flourish in frivolous events that will eventually shape their future; for good or bad.

These are the sacrifices we make and don't make for the sake of our children.

To be a parent is the utmost wonderful thing in the world, you just have to give in, accept that this is your role, your purpose and carry on strong. 

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