Tuesday 24 January 2012

First blog entry

Well... I'm thinking of what I should write for my first blog entry. Can't say I've ever done this before so I'm not really sure what to write. Hmmm... Ok first thing that comes to mind. I've been taking pictures of my three years artwork in hopes that I will turn it into a published book. He loves to paint, draw, colour, put stickers on and then take stickers off. So why not document it? This way, when he gets older, he just might appreciate it. Has anyone else done such a thing? Any suggestions? Some of his work is really inspiring. Who knows, maybe he'll fall into mommies footsteps.
Using Red. His favourite colour.

How to paint in lines.

This one is my fave. I can't pin point why. It's as if something is taking over whatever is in the past.