Thursday 4 April 2013

Are you a fighter?

What do you fight for?

Love. Family. Great ideas. Great work. Relationships. World peace?

Whichever it is, How do you fight for it? What distance will you go to keep it or have it?

That's what's going through my mind right now.

Saturday 16 February 2013

To Assume

Assume. I hear this word all the time.

I assumed.
My assumption.

It is something that we all do all the time. Why do we assume things? Why can't we put our hand up and ask the question to what we want to know versus just assuming and getting it wrong? Getting it wrong can have a whole trail of effects. It's like dominos, you push one and they all fall down. That's why it's best to know which domino to push so that it doesn't effect them all.

It doesn't matter where you are or who you are talking to everyone always assumes, in relationships, in families and at work. Stop the guess work people. Just ask and don't assume.

Sunday 20 January 2013

What it's like to be the sister of two brothers

It's a tricky one. Being the middle child and the only girl. 

As I grow older and now a parent myself I start to see that it becomes a natural thing for one child to gravitate to one parent while the other child gravitates to the other parent, giving these kids the one on one time they need and crave. By doing so, special bonds are created and memories that last a lifetime. Here's how I break it down from my perspective. 

The oldest child is the first one to form a relationship with their mom and dad like no other. For the parents it's their first time, everything is new, so they try and do all the right things to set their child up for success. Basically, more rules are enforced and the perfect child is created.

The second child becomes familiar to the parent. But loved the same no less. They know what to expect to a certain degree. So it's a lot less stressful and less rules are enforced. However, because it is now a girl different issues may now arise then they're used to. 

Now, that there are two children, the first child's time with the parents are now fewer than they were before. But at this special time, this is the moment where the parents now divide and conquer quality time spent with each child. It naturally works out so that the children get a parent assigned to them for their full dedication and attention. Planned or not. 

When a third child comes along there are joy and excitement and even more familiarity than before. They are masters at it now. Many of the rules that were set in place with the first child are now obsolete because the fear the parents once had were no longer valid. As the youngest of the three, that child is the family baby and will forever be known as the youngest of the bunch.  
With three children now the balance is thrown off. The parents are now forced to split their time in thirds. One on one time becomes more challenging.

The middle child can easily become left out. The oldest is the first child so that special bond is there and cherished. The youngest is the last and considered to be the baby of the bunch and cherished too because this is the last time they will every have a baby. Where as the middle child might then get left out or may feel left out so she has to be strong and competitive to get the attention she needs while she finds her place within the family. 

I think professionals call this the "middle child syndrome". 

"A disposition that generally arises with the middle child of three children in a household. Middle children often lack the attention that the oldest (the most important child) and the youngest (the parent's favorite child) receive."(-urban dictionary)

In the end, I guess for me I'm lucky that I was born a girl. It makes me special and I have a niche all for myself, Daddy's little girl. :-)

Tuesday 15 January 2013

We are living in our most glorious, inglorious times.

It is the most glorious because we get to be apart of our children's best times. We get to see them laugh, smile, and grow into the men they will become. It is such an honour and privilege to be apart of that. 

The inglorious times because our days are like groundhog days; in repetition. Only a parent can understand the true meaning of that. Sadly, friends and family who don't have children, don't. That's the other half of the inglorious times we live in right now. It's tough to watch the lives of others flourish in frivolous events that will eventually shape their future; for good or bad.

These are the sacrifices we make and don't make for the sake of our children.

To be a parent is the utmost wonderful thing in the world, you just have to give in, accept that this is your role, your purpose and carry on strong.