Sunday 29 January 2012

I'm thinking it's time for the beach! Even though the winter days are very mild I still feel there is a need for some vitamin D. A few thoughts are going through my mind though. Where? When? And do we bring the kids?

I pitched the idea to my husband and he's down with it. I guess he too was feeling a little low on Vitamin D. :-) But where should we go? I was thinking Cuba, Veradero because we've been there before and absolutely loved it and it's reasonably priced too. Or we could go to The Dominican, Punta Cana, where neither of us have been before.

Do we chose the place that we know we will like or take the chance and enjoy the white sandy beaches in The Dominican?

Any recommendations?

Punta Cana Beach

Veradero Beach

Thursday 26 January 2012

Decorating on a budget

One would think that being on mat leave means having to only take care of your new born. While this thought is true, I still find myself taking on many little projects. As of late I'm really into redecorating and I'm constantly thinking how I can make my space more inspirational. When one is at home a lot it's hard not to want to change the same four walls that you're constantly looking at.

Being on mat leave meant that I had to decorate on a budget. I set my budget to $1,200 and started hunting. I found myself going to many garage sales, shopping the clearance section at Homesense and making frequent trips to Ikea and West Elm. Not to mention my endless nights searching Kijiji and Craigslist either.

First I started with the little things, like picture frames, lamps, accessories, and other small items, since they were the least expensive. I really needed a new couch and arm chair, but I wasn't going to settle for second hand - so I sold off my leather couches. In return, this helped me increase my budget. Now I was able to afford a decent Ikea couch that was kid and dog friendly (machine washable).

I couldn't stop thinking of the final outcome. My mind raced day after day until every little detail was taken care of. In the end, I'm about 98% done. Still need a few things to complete it. But over all, I'm soooooo happy with the way it turned out.

Here are a few of my favs that transformed my space.

My owl and protector at night. This was a splurge at $200. I absolutely fell in love with it.

Two stools I found at a garage sale. $4 for both.   
This is what I turned it into. Designer fabric for $5.50/ per yard. In total this stool cost me $7.50
How the stool lives in my new space. The bird decals I got at Home Depot for $25. Ikea storage bins $6.50
Side chair is from Homesense - clearance plus additional discount for scratched leg. $125
Reused a bed side table by painting it all white and adding new hardware.
Table lamp $25 at Homesense on clearance.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

First blog entry

Well... I'm thinking of what I should write for my first blog entry. Can't say I've ever done this before so I'm not really sure what to write. Hmmm... Ok first thing that comes to mind. I've been taking pictures of my three years artwork in hopes that I will turn it into a published book. He loves to paint, draw, colour, put stickers on and then take stickers off. So why not document it? This way, when he gets older, he just might appreciate it. Has anyone else done such a thing? Any suggestions? Some of his work is really inspiring. Who knows, maybe he'll fall into mommies footsteps.
Using Red. His favourite colour.

How to paint in lines.

This one is my fave. I can't pin point why. It's as if something is taking over whatever is in the past.